Meeting Minutes - [3/3/2002]
Topics Covered
- We created the noun/verb list (Domain Analysis from Step #1)
- Created initial use case list
- We need to investigate using RMI through an applet, or another means to
do a web based client...
- Also, I am sending these questions to Dr. Munson that arose during
the meeeting:
- Can a ship shoot a torpedo from anywhere, or just the front of the
- If a destroyed box is hit with a torpedo, is the box next to it
- One client has to run from the command line. Does the other have to
run from a browser, or is any gui ok?
- Are mines released from the same point from the mine sweeper, or can
the user select which square to release the mine to?
Last Updated: 03/13/2002 21:04:46 pm